Optical Bonding is a process employed by a variety of industries to ensure the readability of LCD screens used in challenging environments. It involves the application of a clear adhesive engineered to provide optical, mechanical, and thermal protection for outdoor displays and handheld devices. Read on to find out about a few of the benefits of this technology below. Increase Readability What do construction firms, agricultural operations, and the U.S. military have in common? They all use optically bonded LCD screens in the course of their daily operations. These protective screens are able to eliminate surface reflections, making it easier for those reading them to see their displays even in full sun. Eliminate Dust Bonding eliminates dust as well as glare by incorporating an air gap that prevents dust from ever reaching the screen. In extremely dust-prone environments, this can make the difference between having a readable display and an expensive piece of equipment that h...
Many techno-driven developments rely on display screens, such as 5x5 LCD video walls for entertainment or advertising purposes or even the latest mobile devices.